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Malte Mosbach

I am a PhD candidate at University of Bonn advised by Sven Behnke. My research aims to make reinforcement learning practical for complex robot control by leveraging foundation models, scaling training, exploring student-teacher learning, developing robust representations, and more.

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Selected Publications

A complete, up-to-date list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.

SOLD: Reinforcement Learning with Slot Object-Centric Latent Dynamics

Grasp Anything: Combining Teacher-Augmented Policy Gradient Learning with Instance Segmentation to Grasp Arbitrary Objects

Learning Generalizable Tool Use with Non-rigid Grasp-pose Registration

Efficient Representations of Object Geometry for Reinforcement Learning of Interactive Grasping Policies

Accelerating Interactive Human-like Manipulation Learning with GPU-based Simulation and High-quality Demonstrations

Transfer of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Structures for Robotic Manipulation Tasks